개인 정보 보호 정책

For purposes and the treatment of personal information

Nippon Magnetics Co.,Ltd (Hereinafter NMI ) will comply with below to treat personal information.

1.About acquiring personal information

Client can access this website without any identification or disclosure of personal information. Like other websites,the records of visitors will be recorded by cookie on hard disks of visitors’ computer. Thus,the sever will recognize the computer while you access the site again.

The cookie’s purpose is not to acquire clients’ name or any personal data but to help us to facilitate the site and test the results of each service. On the hand, NMI will not handle the information for corporation and comply the obligation of maintaining confidentiality (In addition, NMI absolutely do not share the information to any company and contractor that to be foreign to the obligation of maintaining confidentiality. However,you can change the setting of browser in case to refuse the cookie or informed before the cookie connecting.

2.About personal information collection

NMI may collect personal information for specific information to the inquiry or some purpose. The information included to name,address,phone number,FAX number and E-mail address.

For safe delivery,NMI use the mail form with unique SSL encryption technology.

3. About treatment of personal information

The collected domain name is not to specify any individual,but for recording access time,average reading time,pageview etc. NMI、 use the record results to facilitate the posted content.

NMI will contact to clients while staring to collect name ,E-mail address or other personal information. NMI commonly use the personal information when reply the inquiry or requirement.

NMI may share personal information provided by client in case of using the service provided by other company. But NMI never do not disclose,sell and lease personal information to any third party for marketing purpose. In case of the requirement of client,code of low or other legal regulation,NMI will disclose the applicable information. In addition, for providing each necessary of information, NMI will remain the “cookie”.

4.About security management of personal information

NMI have established essential and appreciate measure to prevent the leak ,losing and damage of personal information.

5.About personal information providing to third party

Unless the legal regulation about protecting personal information(for example,Personal Information Protection Law),NMI never share personal information to any third party without the approval of client.

6.About the disclosure and correction of personal information

NMI will disclose the personal information rapidly in case of the requirement from client.
However, NMI do not disclose the information without the identification of client.

If there any error about personal information and the client require to correct,add ,delete the information,NMI will treat the requirement rapidly after the investigation.

At the time,NMI do not treat the requirement without the identification of client.
If there are any requirement and inquiry about NMI treatment of personal information,please contact us through the information below.

【Contact Information】
Nippon Magnetics, Inc.【Head office】
Soira 716-2, Kitatani, Dazaifu-city, Fukuoka 818-0114
TEL:092-922-7161 FAX:092-922-7162


In NMI,representative director is in charge of personal management chief administrator and carry out proper management and consistent improvement about personal information

8.Modification of this policy

Maybe there are some modifications in this policy. In case of that,the modification will take effect at the time of publication unless the other separate decision of NMI.

Nippon Magnetics Co.,Ltd
representative director